Taking a prevention approach and addressing health inequalities

Home 5 What we offer 5 Consulting services 5 Population Health 5 Taking a prevention approach and addressing health inequalities
Nurse explaining medicine dosage to an elderly patient in care facility centre while holding weekly medicine dispenser. Caregiver holding pill organizer box giving medicine tablet to elderly woman.


Our subject matter expert team can support you in taking a prevention approach to address health inequalities in your area. We’ll work with your teams to identify actions to address population health based preventative interventions and healthcare inequalities, through the application of diagnostic tools and methodologies that draw on clinical expertise, analytics and intelligence, and programme management.

Our offer

Our team will work with clinical and managerial leads to:

  • Support the identification of opportunities for prevention and healthcare inequality interventions using the methodology set out within the Healthcare Inequalities Toolkit (a PHM approach).
  • Apply local intelligence and insights into communities that experience inequalities.
  • Develop action plans to bring about changes to address these.

All of this would be delivered within the policy context of the NHS Legal Statement on Health Inequalities, Operational Planning Guidance requirements, CORE20Plus5 Framework and the NHS Framework for Inclusion Health and Long Term Conditions Plan.

Our experience

Our team has supported North East and North Cumbria (NENC) ICB to meet its:


  • Health inequalities policy requirements highlighted above and managing programmes of work across these.
  • Statutory requirements in delivery of the long term plan prevention objectives.

Contact the team

NECS Population Health team