To help our customers understand their route to market, here are the active frameworks which NECS has a place on:
Health Systems Support Framework (HSSF)
NHS England and NHS Improvement framework in place until 31/08/2024.
- Lot 1: Shared or Integrated Care Records
- Lot 2: ICT Infrastructure support and strategic ICT services, including Primary Care IT support and cyber security
- Lot 3: Informatics, analytics and digital tools for Population Health, Business and Clinical Intelligence
- Lot 4: Tools and applications that support direct patient care
- Lot 5: Surveys
- Lot 6: Transformation and change support
- Lot 7: Patient empowerment and activation (but not personal health records)
- Lot 8: System optimisation (but not digitisation) of NHS Continuing HealthCare
- Lot 9: System assurance support
- Lot 10: Medicines optimisation.
ICT Solutions Delivery: Professional Services and Consultancy Support
North of England Commercial Procurement Collaborative (NOE CPC) framework in place until 11/11/2024.
- Supplier on Lot 4: Digital and Innovation.
Training and Development Services
East of England NHS Collaborative Procurement Hub in place until 16/01/2025.
- Lot 1: One to one coaching and mentoring services
- Lot 2: Training programmes
- Lot 3: Innovative synaptic, memory and reality learning
- Lot 4a: Systems approach to learning from patient safety incidents training
- Lot 4b: Systems approach to learning from patient safety incidents oversight
- Lot 4c: Patient and staff involvement in learning from patient safety incidents
- Lot 5: System leadership
- Lot 6: Litigation and coroner inquests
- Lot 7: System value and sustainability.
Digital Outcomes and Specialists 6 Framework – RM1043.7
Crown Commercial Service framework in place until 27/06/2025.
- Supplier on Lot 1: Digital outcomes and Lot 2: Digital specialists.
Management Consultancy Framework Three – RM6187
Crown Commercial Service framework in place until 23/08/2025.
- Supplier on Lot 1: Business.
Consultancy and Advisory Services for Health Framework
NHS Shared Business Services Framework in place until 17/03/2026.
- Lot 1: Business, leadership, management, governance, structure and strategy
- Lot 2: Integrated care, healthcare and community care
- Lot 3: Commercialisation, innovation and transformation
- Lot 4: Communications, engagement and research
- Lot 5: IT Business consultancy
- Lot 6: Finance and procurement
- Lot 7: HR and employment, skills and training
- Lot 8: Disease outbreaks – endemics, epidemics and pandemics.
Transforming Organisations, Partnerships and Systems Framework – Multi-Specialty Support and Advisory Consultancy Services
East of England NHS Collaborative Procurement Hub framework in place until 23/04/27.
- Lot 1: Sustainable services modelling, design and improvement
- Lot 2: Strategy, system leadership, governance and integrated assurance
- Lot 4: Commercial, financial and analytical related advisory services
- Lot 5: Procurement and supply chain services
- Lot 6: Workforce transformation
- Lot 7: Communications and engagement delivery
- Lot 8: Multi-disciplinary consultancy service.
Consultancy and Associated Services Framework
North of England (NoE) Commercial Procurement Collaborative in place until 31/05/2027.
- Lot C1: Transactions and corporate finance
- Lot C2: Tax and VAT
- Lot C3: Procurement and commissioning support
- Lot C4: Marketing, communications and PR
- Lot E2: Public health
- Lot E3: Social care (adult and children).