Every winter, activity surges bring a number of challenges to health and social care organisations. These affect service delivery, including the balance of emergency and elective activity and the flow of patients from admission to secondary care, through to discharge.
Our team is here to support surge management within your system and your health and social care team.
Our offer
We will work with you to understand your system pressures, including your reporting and monitoring requirements. Using a tried and tested methodology, we will establish the surge management service, to be delivered by us or your own dedicated team.
We will help to:
- Model your capacity and demand
- Review, revise and test all surge and winter planning documentation
- Implement a structured approach to surge management
- Advise techniques and share best practice to de-escalate the system
- Provide the surge service
- Monitor and report on behalf of the system.
The benefits
- Access to our tools UEC-RAIDR, dashboard, templates and operating frameworks
- Surge methodologies
- Facilitated sessions with all relevant stakeholders
- Semi-structured interviews
- Demand and capacity modelling
- Scenario testing
- Dedicated ICS wide surge management team operating 7 days per week, including bank holidays, 08.00-20:00 with a dedicated contact number: 0191 -217-2662
- Monitor and report system pressures across the ICS advising and supporting timely escalation
- Facilitation of surge management calls at place, ICP and ICS level providing a situation report and actions to operational leads and on-call Directors
- Review and revision of escalation frameworks and regional policies – for example, Divert, Repatriation and Choice policies
- Produce and manage the tactical on-call Director rota
- Provide training for Tactical on-call
- Support the development, check and challenge of winter plans
- Plan and facilitate the ICS winter debrief event
- Plan and facilitate the ICS preparing for winter system resilience event
- Maintain the incident and surge management website ensuring all relevant stakeholders have access
- Ensure all relevant stakeholders have access to the UEC application
- Facilitate the completion of national UEC/Winter returns.
Contact the team
Barbara Carr
Senior Officer – Resilience Planning, Escalation and Surge Management
Sue Judge
Senior Officer – Resilience Planning, Escalation and Surge Management