RAIDR is the UK’s leading health intelligence tool, supporting you to make population-level or individual-level decisions with real-time information and linked data from multiple sources.

OPTICA is a secure cloud application which tracks all admitted patients and the tasks relating to their discharge in real-time through their hospital journey.

Capacity Tracker is a cloud-based digital insight tool that enables care home, home care, in-patient community rehabilitation, substance misuse and hospice providers to easily and quickly share vacancy and other critical information in real time.

UEC-RAIDR provides valuable insight and intelligence about care providers across the system, offering real-time information on OPEL status, ambulance activity, 111 and 999 call volumes, ED activity, waiting times and available beds.

SMART is a browser-based system that collects bed capacity and patient flow data across acute, mental health and maternity care settings. Developed in collaboration with healthcare providers, SMART provides a system-wide overview of operational pressures, enabling healthcare system partners to deliver an improved patient journey.

Check+ is the new landing portal of all modules run by NECS on behalf of providers to manage elective procedures. It currently incorporates both of the EBIcheck+ and IFRcheck+ modules and allows clinicians to access a system which is tailored to their needs.

Capacity Tracker Australia is an award-winning, web-based system used by several Primary Health Networks in Australia allowing Residential Aged Care Facilities (RACFs), Pharmacies and GPs to share important information in real-time and allows commissioners to quickly offer targeted support when it is required.

AXYM is a cloud-based data access platform that provides a ‘Single Source of the Truth’ for multi-organisations and users. It gives access to health and care data for analysis, evaluation and research in a safe and Secure Data Environment, providing a private ring-fenced space to enable users to access and interrogate their data.

Desksmart is an easy-to-use, self-service system that enables you to view workspace availability. Accessible from a smartphone, a PC or a tablet, it means no more wasting time looking for a space to sit and work.

Disclose is an effective way to manage your organisation’s conflicts of interest, including declarations, gifts and hospitality. It enables you to manage risk whilst improving efficiency, accuracy and reducing the administrative burden.

DSR is a browser-based tool that allows local services to maintain their Dynamic Support Register. This identifies people with a learning disability, autism or both who display, or are at risk of developing, behaviour that challenges or mental health conditions who were most likely to be at risk of admission.

S117 is a UK accessible browser-based tool, that supports collaborative working across health and social care and enables an improved understanding of the local population entitled to S117 aftercare. It identifies current service provision, which all supports individuals to remain well.