LeDeR is a service improvement programme for people with a learning disability and autistic people. Established in 2017, LeDeR works to improve care for people with a learning disability and autistic people.
Where a review is carried out, LeDeR reviews are completed based on the health and social care received by people with a learning disability and autistic people (aged four years and over) who have died, using a standardised review process. This is to identify good practice and what has worked well, as well as where improvements in the provision of care could be made.
Identified themes and outcomes from the review are reported to the relevant Integrated Care Board, with action logs developed to address the issues identified in reviews. Recurrent themes and significant issues are identified and addressed at a more systematic level, regionally and nationally.
Our offer
NECS offers a comprehensive LeDeR review service producing high quality reviews, managed and overseen by a dedicated LeDeR management team. Commissioning your LeDeR reviews with NECS will provide access to:
- Extensive experience, knowledge and understanding of the LeDeR process, policy, barriers, risks and issues
- Bespoke commissioning options
- Experienced multi-disciplinary LeDeR team including Registered Nurses, Mental Health and Learning Disability Nurses, Social Workers and Allied Health Professionals
- Dedicated team of senior reviewers
- LeDeR management team including experience Quality Assurance Leads
- Administrative support functions
- Experience in the completion of both backlog and business as usual reviews
- Monthly progress reports
- Reconciliation review to ensure cost effective service delivery and best value for money
- Support with presentation of focused reviews at panel.
At NECS, we offer a bespoke model for all LeDeR services provided to ICBs. The offer includes:
- Full end to end completion of both initial and focused reviews; administration and gathering of records, completion of the review, quality assurance and presentation and attendance at panel when required for focused reviews
- Options to include or discount administration and record gathering support
- NECS quality assurance is included as optional
- No cost differences for the completion of reviews that form part of a backlog and ‘business as usual reviews’
- Data analysis and reporting for outcomes and themes resulting from the completion of both initial and focused reviews.
The flexible and tailored approach to commissioning the LeDeR review service allows NECS to meet our customers’ needs, appreciating that not one size fits all.
The NECS LeDeR pricing model is available on request and will be based on information provided to ensure accurate costs are advised.
The benefits
The benefits of completing LeDeR Reviews, in addition to better health outcomes for people with learning disabilities and autism, include:
- A reduction in the repetition of recurrent themes found in LeDeR reviews
- Reduced levels of concern and areas for improvement identified for action
- Reduced frequency of deaths that were potentially avoidable or amenable to good quality healthcare
- Decreasing numbers of preventable deaths
- Evidence of service improvement actions as a result of learning from reviews. This can often be quite simple changes which are put in place by health and social care providers ensuring effective communication between family members and carers or between carers and hospital staff, making sure that people’s care plans are followed, or that postural support is provided or that annual health check health plans are followed
- A positive experience of the LeDeR process is provided for bereaved families
- Greater use of reasonable adjustments in health and care services for people with a learning disability and autistic people
- Better outcomes for people as a result of local service improvement projects
- Increased awareness of the main causes of death for people with a learning disability and autistic people among health and social care professionals both locally and nationally
- Improved data about the lives and deaths of people with learning disabilities and autism.
“We have found the service provided by NECS very reputable. Reviews are of a good quality and the feedback from the Quality Assurance Panel is always complimentary on the thoroughness of detail provided.”
BQ, Learning Disability and Autism Programme Manager, Bedford, Luton and Milton Keynes ICB
Contact the team
Donna Mitchell
Project Manager
Nichola Smith
Programme Delivery Manager
Telephone – 07771 193574