Digital clinical safety assurance
The Digital Clinical Safety Assurance team is crucial in providing clinical safety assurance services for in-house developed digital products and external customer offerings. Our primary objective is to ensure the safety of health IT and compliance with NHS clinical risk management and medical device standards.
Medicines Optimisation
Our Medicines Optimisation team delivers a broad range of strategic and operational services which support the future vision for the NHS, spanning primary care, integrated care systems, local authorities, care homes, the Academic Health Science Network, NHS England and national programmes of work, in collaboration with NHS bodies and expert colleagues across NECS.
All Age Continuing Care (AACC)
Our team works with a range of partners, including local authorities, voluntary and community organisations and commercial businesses, to deliver high-quality Continuing Healthcare, Funded Nursing Care and Complex Care services, ensuring statutory guidance is met and services are good value for patients and commissioners.
Surge Management
Our team supports Surge Management within your system, reviewing revising and testing existing plans, frameworks and processes to provide you with the tools and technuqies to better manage Surge pressures.
Cervical Screening Administration Service
NECS is responsible for the Cervical Screening Administration Service and supports the National Cervical Screening Programme in a number of ways.
Find out more about Cervical Screening Administration Service
Clinical Quality
Our Clinical Quality team is a multi-disciplinary team of specialists in the development, implementation and monitoring of robust quality and governance systems to support the NHS Outcomes Framework, the National Patient Safety Strategy, CQC action plans in providers and the Patient Safety Incident Response Framework.
Learning Disabilities Mortality Review Programme
LeDeR is a service improvement programme for people with a learning disability and autistic people. Established in 2017, LeDeR works to improve care for people with a learning disability and autistic people.