All Age Continuing Care (AACC)

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We use insight, innovation and collaboration to help shape services, get better value for money and improve outcomes for patients. We work with customers to transform services through either short-term targeted interventions or longer-term support.  

At the heart of the AACC is the process for determining whether an individual is eligible for NHS continuing healthcare or NHS-funded Nursing Care. People may be eligible for NHS Continuing Healthcare if they have a primary health need, a concept developed by the Secretary of State to determine when the NHS is responsible for providing assessed health and associated social care needs. 

We know that people who are being assessed for NHS Continuing Healthcare are frequently facing significant changes in their lives and a positive, person-centric experience of the assessment process is crucial. Our team places the individual at the heart of the care-planning process, promoting genuine choice and control which results in a much better outcome. 

    Our offer

    • Continuing Healthcare (CHC) including Fast Tracks, Decision Support Tool (DST) Reviews 
    • Children’s Continuing Care  
    • Serious Incident Reviews 
    • Prison Health Care Assessments 
    • Case management 
    • Personal Health Budget (PHB) 
    • Brokerage  
    • Court of Protection Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards (CoP/DoLs). 
    • Support for discharge planning 
    • Mental Health and Learning Disability case management and commissioning support with a dedicated experienced MH & LD clinical lead 
    • New referrals and screening for children and adults. All new referrals are through a digital referral system which links directly to case management records 
    • Personal Health Budget (PHB): AACC homecare packages are offered a PHB with a dedicated team review and audit in all cases 
    • Case Management: support for all CHC, FNC and Joint Funded cases, support for s117 cases 
    • Appeals/ Previously Unassessed Periods of Care: a dedicated team with a Clinical Manager for all requests to review eligibility decisions 
    • Reviews/ Quality, Innovation, Productivity and Prevention (QIPP): any case with NHS funding has an initial three month review and a minimal annual review. We have a proven track record in managing NHS resources 
    • Fast track/ Joint Funded /Funded Nursing Care / complex care / neuro rehab: experienced clinicians in all aspects of complex care management 
    • Eligibility assessments and verification 
    • Full process pathways to ensure high patient satisfaction and NHSE targets are exceeded 
    • A dedicated team to complete CoPDoLs applications and LPS service. 

    The benefits

    • A proven track record of Quality Improvement and Cost Efficiencies. Our comprehensive approach means that you deliver the service in the most cost-effective way, ensuring patients and families get the best possible care 
    • We deliver effective support for both Continuing Healthcare and Children and Young People’s Continuing Care services, making sure there is a smooth transition between services and resource provision 
    • Our experience and expertise means that you know we will deliver best practice, benchmarking standards of decision making and ensuring consistency of delivery while offering a responsive, flexible service 
    • Our excellent reputation. We provide a good range of different services, good local knowledge and have a flexible approach with high levels of customer satisfaction. 

      “I am sitting here nearly crying my eyes out! This week for the first time since getting home, I have been able to put my shopping away as soon as it was delivered, I have been able to change the beds and been able to clean my bathroom. I feel like I have been given a lifeline! The nurse assessor was amazing, being a tower of strength, for being highly professional and getting the job done, for being understanding and for giving me hope!”

      Patient Feedback


      Contact the team

      For all AACC NENC queries, please contact:

      Debra Pease
      Senior Clinical Services Manager / Head of All Age Continuing Care and LeDeR-CoPDoLS service,

      For all other AACC Transformation and Service Delivery queries, please contact:

      Donna Mitchell, Project Manager, or

      Nichola Smith, Programme Delivery Manager, or phone: 07771193574