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RAIDR is the UK’s leading health intelligence tool, supporting you to make population-level or individual-level decisions with real-time information and linked data from multiple sources. Its intuitive intelligence truly helps to drive reform across integrated care systems.

RAIDR puts you in control by presenting data in a range of interactive dashboards which cover primary care, secondary care, urgent and emergency care, community, elective waiting lists, prescribing, quality and performance and finance and contracting.

Used by over 1000 GP Practices across Integrated Care Systems (ICSs) in the UK, RAIDR offers a range of population health management tools which allow users to perform risk stratification, segmentation, and cohort selection. In other words, RAIDR enables users to direct healthcare resources to where they are needed most.

For further information, please see the RAIDR brochure.

Our offer

  • Powerful dashboards: Including Patient Activity (community, inpatient, outpatient, and A&E), Primary Care, National Elective Waiting List, Urgent Care, Finance and Contracting, Quality and Performance and Prescribing. We offer a bespoke service to develop others as required
  • Flexible reporting: Showing high level trends to patient level data, RAIDR drills down to gain intelligence in a variety of ways in a single portal, integrating previously isolated data sources
  • Data linkage: Providing crucial intelligence on patient pathways and presenting it in flexible, intuitive dashboards
  • Dynamic, easy to use risk stratification tools: Collating multiple data sources and utilising proven predictive models, RAIDR enables improved outcomes and cost efficiencies
  • Tight security and robust infrastructure: Strictly controlled, role-based levels of access and data held to the highest information governance standards. All systems and data are held within a highly secure environment – hosting data centre is certificated at Tier 3 TIA-942 levels of resilience, with Impact Level (IL) 4 of data confidentiality and ISO 27001 accreditation in data security
  • Making complex health datasets easy to understand: Connecting disparate data silos in one portal
  • Technical information and pricing model: RAIDR is entirely browser based and requires access to a health and service network (HSCN) connection and the availability of a modern web browser. This facilitates a rapid and uncomplicated implementation process
  • Relationship management: Regular account meetings are held with key contacts from each organisation. RAIDR recognise the importance of listening and collaboration with end users
  • Costing Model: Based on price per dashboard per registered patient. Please contact us to discuss the most cost-effective model for you. RAIDR can be found on the UK Government Digital Marketplace G-Cloud.


The benefits

RAIDR has many benefits, including:  

  • Use of advanced analytical techniques to segment population cohorts for population health management, including analysis by wider determinants of health 
  • Reliable and accurate data, making for more effective case management and improved patient outcomes
  • Supporting with understanding of activity patterns, enabling clinicians to explore referral behaviours, as well as gain a financial understanding of the cost of patient treatment
  • Reduction of time spent on simple information requests and ad hoc queries, freeing up time for more complex analytical tasks
  • Addresses health inequalities via the lens of Core20plus5.


Contact the team

Valerie Maddison
Head of Analytics (Information Services and BI Tools)


Waiting Well York HCP

Waiting Well York HCP

The challenge As the elective waiting list continues to increase and with patients waiting longer for their operations or procedures, York Health and Care Partnership, working alongside Nimbuscare, wanted to reassure patients that they had not been forgotten.   They...

“As a GP, I have found RAIDR an excellent tool to review my practice’s care, particularly on chronic conditions which in turn supports improved outcomes for patients – the primary care section is particularly helpful for this. 

“Here is a practical example around untreated Atrial Fibrillation which shows how I have used RAIDR to improve patient care and save lives: We are a good GP practice but I nearly had an episode of AF myself! In a few clicks, I very quickly identified nine patients with potential AF who weren’t being treated and emailed staff in the practice to check out these patients. Very soon afterwards their reply indicated that five could be discounted, e.g. they had declined treatment, or the condition had resolved etc., but the remaining four are four potential lives saved. It’s not very often I can have that sort of impact in 30 minutes! 

“The system is simple to use and gives valued information instantly. RAIDR gives an opportunity to review patients who might require higher levels of care, minimising the risk of admission and supporting them at home.” 

James Gossow

GP, North East and North Cumbria