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Our Smart System Co-ordination Centre (SCC) offer includes a mobile device application and web-based dashboards, which collectively provide as near to real-time as possible information about capacity and pressure across providers within an Integrated Care System (ICS) footprint.

The app provides valuable insight and intelligence across the system, offering near real-time information on OPEL status, ambulance activity, 111 and 999 call volumes, Emergency Department (ED) activity, waiting times, available beds, community care and many more metrics tailored to your ICS.

Designed for SCCs, primary care, secondary care, ambulance services, LADB partner organisations and the ICS, UEC-RAIDR was developed by NECS in collaboration with clinicians and operational staff across the local Urgent and Emergency Care (UEC) Network (local A&E doctors and nurses, ambulance service staff, primary care staff, Local Authority and wider operational staff).

The SCC dashboards have been specifically designed to build on the information displayed in the app, as well as drawing in the Acute Trust Daily Operational SitRep. They provide overviews and trend information to ensure local SCCs can monitor the UEC situation across the system and respond to the regional and national requests for information, without the need to contact providers. The ability to see where pressure is increasing and decreasing, along with available capacity, enables SCC staff to quickly make informed decisions to ensure the safety of patients requiring UEC care.

Please see a recent blog from Gary Collier, Head of Service, UEC-RAIDR SCC.


Our offer

      • A fully featured app available on Apple and Android devices or via a desktop browser.
      • An overview of the whole Urgent and Emergency Care system, tailored to your ICS.
      • OPEL Escalation Action Cards for use within all care settings, to inform system partners of actions as they are taken.
      • The ability for relevant services to flag when they are experiencing surge, such as GP practices, Urgent Treatment Centres and Out-of-hours hubs, by setting their OPEL status and capturing reasons for the escalation.
      • Integration with other systems such as the Directory of Services, Capacity Tracker and OPTICA – saving time spent updating multiple systems.
      • System-wide visibility of app data via web-based dashboards providing an at-a-glance overview of the situation across Urgent and Emergency Care.
      • Graphs and trends to inform SCC decision making.
      • SitRep data integration, meeting national requirements.
      • Configurable notifications to alert users of changes that mean something to them, either at a system level or operationally, without monitoring a screen e.g. escalation action cards, sites or particular metrics.
      • In-app group messaging to notify teams of key operational issues.
      • A map view showing at-a-glance OPEL statuses across the system or a locality.
      • Artificial Intelligence (AI) and machine learning forecasts demand, enabling services to prepare for the forthcoming period with a better understanding of prospective activity.
      • Optional publishing of appropriate pressure and capacity information to a public-facing app and web page to encourage people to attend the most appropriate service for their needs.
      • Fully inclusive of future updates and developments as part of the ongoing service.

    The benefits

    • Supports understanding and mutual aid across hospitals.
    • Supports patient flow and high-quality care to be maintained, even at the most pressured times, by raising awareness of capacity and pressure levels including hospital beds, discharge information, nursing / care homes position and available care pathways.
    • Reduces the time senior staff spend on reporting their service position.
    • Active alerts reduce the need to constantly check the situation.
    • Aids communication and understanding across Urgent and Emergency Care. 
    • Integrates with other systems to automate the data flow, where possible, and avoid duplication of reporting.

    Contact the team

    Gary Collier
    Head of Service  

    When we are at capacity and forced to look for mutual aid, this app is used to enable us to prioritise which Trusts to request mutual aid from. During the out of hours periods, the command and control process staff use the app remotely to establish how the sites are working, removing the need for them to VPN onto Trust network and interrogate three systems as it is all readily available within the app.

    Carole Langrick

    Chief Operating Officer, County Durham and Darlington NHS FT