NECS is thrilled to announce that RAIDR’s Waiting Well digital solution has won the Patient Safety in Elective Recovery at this year’s HSJ Patient Safety Awards which recognises safety, culture and positive experience in patient care.
The HSJ Patient Safety Awards (partnered this year with Radar Healthcare and the Nursing and Midwifery Council) was hosted by Lucy Porter. The annual event acknowledges the hard-working teams and individuals across the UK who, in these current times of austerity and workforce shortages, are continually striving to deliver improved patient care and a culture of safety.
A record-breaking 516 entries were received for the HSJ Patient Safety Awards 2023, with 206 organisations, projects and individuals making it to the final shortlist, following two rounds of rigorous judging. The high volume – and exceptional quality – of applications once again showcased the level of commitment to patient care within the UK’s healthcare networks.
Of the 24 categories, three are new for 2023, representing some of the recent initiatives and current focus areas within the NHS. These comprise the award for staff wellbeing initiative of the year; safety improvement through technology award and urgent and emergency care safety initiative of the year.
The Awards are a highlight of the HSJ’s annual 2-day Patient Safety Congress (which this year took place on 18 and19 September at Manchester Central), where delegates working at the forefront of safety, quality and clinical excellence came together to join in with open and honest discussions about the current reality of safety.
The judging panel was made up of a diverse range of highly influential and respected figures within the healthcare community. All finalists and winners were judged set against three clear criteria; clinical and specialist excellence; enacting organisation-wide change and service/system innovation.
Tackling the elective recovery waiting list is one of the key priorities for health and social care, with over 7.2 million patients currently on a waiting list in England. A need was identified to target patients with potential risk factors or who required support managing their long-term conditions. This would ensure that they would be fit for their intended procedure when the time came and are ‘waiting well’. RAIDR’s Waiting Well dashboard is unique within the digital marketplace in that it can benefit both patient and clinician by delivering near real time primary care data to help improve patient safety and surgical outcomes and reduce unnecessary costs.
Ian Davison, BIS Director at NECS said “We are delighted to have won this HSJ Patient Safety Award. As an NHS organisation we work very hard to solve the complex problems of the NHS, with our innovative people designing and building digital solutions that make a big difference to the communities that we serve. Receiving recognition of the huge patient safety benefits that RAIDR brings is just brilliant.”
Health Editor of the Sunday Times, Shaun Lintern who Chaired the HSJ Patient Safety Congress comments;
“As in previous years, the HSJ Patient Safety Awards ceremony formed a key part of our 2023 Congress and it’s always such an honour to be a position to congratulate all of the winners, which this year includes RAIDR who scooped ‘top spot’ in the category of Patient Safety in Elective Recovery.
“The entire project – and everyone involved in its implementation – really reflects so much of what had been discussed and debated by our speakers and delegates during the panels and workshops within the 2023 Congress programme. It also clearly demonstrates the importance of everyone taking an active role in patient safety.”
He adds; “It was so encouraging to learn that this year saw an unprecedented level of entries, at a time when patient safety, reporting frameworks, governance and the prevention of incidents is at the forefront of many conversations within the sector. It was also inspiring to hear that this year’s entrants were once again exemplary, showing a real desire across our healthcare workforce to ensure patient safety, education and wellbeing is at the heart of decision making at all levels and an integral part of the patient pathway.
“So, huge congratulations again to RAIDR and welcome to the HSJ Patient Safety Awards ever expanding alumni!”
The full list of Winners and those Highly Commended for the 2023 HSJ Patient Safety Awards Digital Awards can be found at Winners 2023 | HSJ Patient Safety Awards (patientsafetycongress.co.uk).